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A Recipe for Healthy Organic Snacks


Everybody loves to eat, especially when it comes to seeing and tasting their favorite food. In the usual setting, we would want our food to be cooked tenderly so that we could eat it well. For other people, they would want to eat raw food because it is healthier and some foods are meant to be eaten in a form that is not cooked. There are many kinds of recipes for raw food that can be found and can be searched over the internet. You would not have a hard time finding one if you would want to eat a healthy recipe food that is not cook. For example, if you want to have a healthy meal for snacks, you could try to mix raw fruits and nuts like berries and add vegan cream so that it can be more nutritious for your snacks. Adding granola and yogurt is another ingredient that can make your raw berries and nuts even more tasteful and healthy during snacks time. There are many versions of this kind of recipe because it depends on the person on what kinds of seeds and nuts and raw berries, he or she would want to eat in a healthy manner and preparation.


There are certain ratios and guides in mixing the raw berries into various kinds of seeds and nuts based on your preference. You can learn more about it when you visit this link.


There are optional ingredients for this kind of Guiltfree snacks meal recipe and these are one cup of raw walnuts which are soaked and dehydrated, one cup of raw almonds which are also soaked and dehydrated, half cup of raw pumpkin seeds which are soaked and dehydrated, half cup of raw sunflower seeds which are soaked and dehydrated and half cup of raw linseeds or flaxseeds which are also soaked and dehydrated.


There are many various seeds that you can mix and combine into a blender or food processor then blend for a second to grind or coarsely the seeds that are chopped. You would want to have a crunchy substance for the combination of the seeds and avoid the texture to become like a flour. Know more of this at You have the option to mix some sweetener or coconut if you want. The ingredients for the raw vanilla cashew cream are one cup of raw cashews soaked for two hours, one-fourth to half a cup filtered watered, one to two tablespoon of agave nectar, half teaspoon of natural vanilla extract and a pinch of celtic sea salt.


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